Perks to Go With Online Poker Instead of Traditional Poker

Poker has been around for a long, long time.  Regardless of what kind you play, where you play it, or what the stakes are, poker is poker.  If you want to get even more out of this popular game, why not try online poker?  While the online poker world might be relatively new, it’s certainly not without its perks and benefits.  Not sure you want to leave the literal poker table just yet?  Here are some of the best perks sure to win you over!

Top perks waiting for you with online poker

  1. You can “try your hand” at different types of poker: Whether you’ve got a thing for No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em or prefer something more like Seven Card Stud, you’ve got no shortage of options online.  Instead of simply having to go with what the house offers, you can really shop around and try different kinds of poker.  Who knows, you may even find that one of them is your lucky game and it’ll give you the advantage you’ve been waiting for!
  2. All you need is a phone or a browser and an internet connection: You can find many poker games on apps, or, at the “worst”, you’ll need a laptop or desktop browser.  Whether you play in the app or the browser, the only other thing that you’re going to need is an internet connection.  You don’t need a car or even pants.  For those that live to play poker, this is such a great way to give yourself access to the table anywhere you are.
  3. Rakes are smaller: Tired of paying out half your winnings to the house?  You’ll find online poker gives you smaller rakes because there aren’t as many overhead charges in order to cover for.  So, when you win big, you really win big!  All of those zeros are going to be yours to use however you see fit.
  4. The game is the focus: Sure, there’s a certain high that comes from the sounds of the slots, and/or the drinks and atmosphere of a game of poker, but why not strip it all away when it gets too much and just focus on the game?  Online poker is just that — poker online.  No bright lights or excessive noise. 
  5. Smaller buy-ins: If you’re strapped for cash — until your big win, that is — then online poker is also going to be your jam.  You can sometimes find both games and tournaments that have buy-ins under $10.  When you are flying close to the win, you can keep your bets manageable and then just scale up from there as you want to.

            The thing is, even with just these 5 measly perks alone listed, it’s hard to see why anyone wouldn’t want to immediately rush online and try online poker themselves.  It’s certainly going to be the way of the future, so why not get in on it while the going’s good and find your new online home?  The good news is, it doesn’t have to be one or the other, either!

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